The Holy Ghost Has a Funny Bone
Beautifully Bound High-Gloss Hardback Cover
$25 + tax (Mississippi only) + S&H
Robert Hitt Neill, aka “Uncle Bob,” has been involved in churches and church work since he was in grammar school, and has become convinced that not only is working for Jesus a promise of blessings untold, but it can be a ball: “Restore unto me the JOY of Thy salvation,” the psalmist says.
Unc details the many joyous times he and his family – his brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as his wife Betsy and their kids – have had through a lifetime in Christian endeavors: from marbles after Sunday School, to singing in the choirs, to youth ministry, to even prison! True encounters with not only the Holy Ghost but with what may have been unholy ghosts, in addition to healings, the “Mighty Rushing Wind” of powerful music headed up to the Throne – Uncle Bob hasn’t missed many experiences, and relates most of them with his inimitable humorous homespun style made famous in THE FLAMING TURKEY, THE JAKES, and his ten other books, as well as his 25-year-old weekly syndicated newspaper column.
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